Trump: I was going to fire that ‘showboat’ no matter what

WASHINGTON – Contradicting previous White House explanations, President Donald Trump declared Thursday he had planned to fire FBI Director James Comey all along, regardless of whether top Justice Department officials recommended the stunning step. His assertions came as Comey’s temporary replacement joined in, contradicting other administration statements on the snowballing controversy.

In an interview with NBC News, Trump also said he’d asked Comey point-blank if he was under investigation and was assured three times he was not. Trump showed no concern that the request might be viewed as interference in an active FBI probe into his 2016 campaign’s possible ties to Russia’s election meddling.

I said, `If it’s possible, would you let me know am I under investigation?’ He said you are not under investigation,” Trump told NBC. He said the discussions happened in two phone calls and at a dinner in which Comey was asking to keep his job. (AP)