Kaspersky supports INTERPOL’s Synergia II Operation, leading to over 40 Cybercrime arrests
As cybercrime continues to evolve, the importance of cross-border collaboration between the private sector and law enforcement agencies has become paramount. Kaspersky, a leading global cybersecurity provider, partnered with INTERPOL to support Operation Synergia II, a large-scale initiative aimed at disrupting cybercriminal activities worldwide, including ransomware, phishing, and information theft. The joint operation led to over 40 arrests and identified more than 30,000 suspicious IP addresses and servers linked to cybercrime.
Operation Synergia II: A Collaborative Global Effort
Operation Synergia II built upon the successes of its predecessor, conducted from April to August 2024. With participation from law enforcement agencies and private sector organizations in 95 INTERPOL member countries, the operation dismantled cybercriminal infrastructure, seized assets, and prevented countless potential cyber attacks. Over 75% of the identified cyberthreat infrastructure was neutralized, disrupting malicious activities across Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific (APAC) regions.

Major Highlights of Operation Synergia II
Kaspersky’s contributions included data sharing on malicious infrastructure across multiple regions. The results of the operation include:
- Hong Kong (China): Police took down 1,037 servers hosting malicious services.
- Mongolia: Authorities conducted 21 house searches, identified 93 suspects, and seized a server.
- Macau (China): Police took 291 servers offline.
- Madagascar: Authorities identified 11 suspects connected to malicious servers and seized electronic devices.
- Estonia: Investigators confiscated over 80GB of server data for analysis related to phishing and banking malware.
INTERPOL’s Director of the Cybercrime Directorate, Neal Jetton, emphasized the importance of international collaboration in addressing cybercrime. “The global nature of cybercrime requires a global response,” said Jetton. “Together, we’ve dismantled malicious infrastructure and prevented hundreds of thousands of potential victims from falling prey to cybercrime.”
Kaspersky’s Role and Commitment to Global Cybersecurity
Kaspersky’s involvement included sharing data on command and control servers, botnet infrastructure, and infected hosts, enabling INTERPOL to track and disrupt cybercrime networks worldwide. Yuliya Shlychkova, Vice-President of Public Affairs at Kaspersky, stated, “Our collaboration strengthens cyber defenses and sets a precedent for a safer global digital landscape.”
This operation marks Kaspersky’s latest support for INTERPOL initiatives, following efforts to counter fraudulent schemes during the 2024 Summer Olympics. By partnering with law enforcement, Kaspersky reinforces its commitment to tackling cyberthreats and enhancing global cyber resilience.
Through collaborative operations like Synergia II, Kaspersky and INTERPOL have taken critical steps to mitigate cyber risks globally. By dismantling malicious infrastructure and apprehending cybercriminals, these initiatives underscore the vital role of international partnerships in creating a safer digital world for everyone.