Thirdy Ravena struggles as San-En NeoPhoenix suffer back to back blow outs

The rough side of pro ball made its way to Thirdy Ravena as his Japanese B.League club San-En NeoPhoenix suffered back to back blow-out losses over the weekend.

Playing league champions Alvark Tokyo, San-En was exposed by the better team, getting beaten 94-76 and 88-65 in consecutive games.

Ravena, for his part, shot a total of 6-27 from the field in the two losses. He scored only 4 points in the Saturday affair, and added 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

On Sunday, Ravena was more productive offensively, making 13 points while also draining 2 triples.

NeoPhoenix dropped further in the win-loss column with a 2-13 record, dead last in the West District of Division I action.

The past weekend was a reality check for San-En, but more importantly, Ravena still proved he belongs and can compete with the best of the Japanese top flight basketball league.