‘God Bless America’: world media react to Biden win

With headlines like ‘God Bless America’, powerful media outlets around the world welcomed the defeat of Donald Trump but warned president-elect Joe Biden faced enormous challenges in healing the United States.

The international press also focused on the feat of Kamala Harris, Biden’s running mate who will become the United States’ first female black vice president.

“A new dawn for America,” read the headline of The Independent in Britain, showing a photo of Biden standing next to Harris and noting her historic achievement.

The Sunday Times went with a picture of a celebrating black woman draped in the US flag and the headline: “Sleepy Joe wakes up America”, taunting Trump by using the derogatory nickname he had used for Biden.

The Sunday People tabloid blared in capital letters: “GOD BLESS AMERICA.”

Germany’s mass-market Bild newspaper carried a photo of Trump with a headline: “Exit without dignity”.

“What a liberation, what a relief,” reported Germany’s left-leaning Suddeutsche Zeitung broadsheet.

But it noted that Biden “inherits a heavy burden” like nothing faced by his predecessors, and warned that Trump accepting defeat was “unthinkable”.

In Australia, the Daily Telegraph tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire also focused on Trump’s expected defiance and described him as a “hotball of fury”.

“(Trump) will simply not accept the humiliation of seemingly being beaten by a foe he perceived to be feeble and barely worth turning up to fight,” it said. (AFP)