Tim Tebow Latest News: Former NFL Quarterback Bares Event That Impacted His Christian Faith
The Former Heisman trophy winner bared through “The Church Boys” podcast recently what he wants his legacy to be one filled with love and care for others.
“It’s not about how much you have in your bank account. It’s about the lives that you’ve changed,” said Tebow as transcribed by The Blaze. “So, that’s what I want my life to be about.”
Known for leading the cause in making a difference in today’s world, Tebow emphasized on how important it is for everyone to consider what they want in their lives, something which he says they will eventually look back in the future.
Among his causes included putting up the Tebow CURE Hospital in the Philippines but he shares a touching story during one of his first trips to the country. That included meeting a special boy who had a birth defect. The boy named “Sherwin” had feet which were backwards which led villagers to believe was a curse.
“I got to be able to carry him and just share with the village that he’s not cursed, that he’s loved by God.”
It was one of the experiences that Tebow remembers to this day and one of the reasons why he has devoted the hospital to helping children particularly in the pediatric orthopedic sector.
Finally, Tebow emphasizes the need for humility in life, something that he has shown time and again.
“The only thing that we’ve called to brag about is our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, because he’s the one that did everything for us and he overcame death and hell and everything else and he’s the reason that we get to stand in victory, because we know him and we love him.”