Nearly 60,000 new virus cases in US in 24 hours: Johns Hopkins

The United States on Monday confirmed 59,222 new coronavirus cases in the previous 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University reported in its real-time tally.

That put the total number of cases in the US, the nation hardest-hit by the global pandemic, at more than 3.36 million, the Baltimore-based university said at 8:30 pm (0030 GMT Tuesday).

Another 411 deaths were reported, bringing that total toll to 135,582.

The country has seen a resurgence of cases in the so-called Sun Belt, stretching across the south from Florida to California.

That uptick has prompted some states to backtrack on loosening their anti-virus restrictions — or to reinstate tougher measures.

On Monday, California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the closure of indoor restaurants, bars, movie theaters, hair salons and houses of worship to stem the spread. (AFP)

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