Coronavirus global death toll tally at 397,179

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The novel coronavirus has killed at least 397,179 people since the outbreak first emerged in China last December, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1900 GMT on Saturday.

At least 6,827,260 cases of coronavirus have been registered in 196 countries and territories. Of these, at least 2,963,800 are now considered recovered.

The tallies, using data collected by AFP from national authorities and information from the World Health Organization (WHO), probably reflect only a fraction of the actual number of infections.

Many countries are testing only symptomatic cases or the most serious ones.

The United States is the worst-hit country with 109,497 deaths from 1,908,235 cases. At least 491,706 people have been declared recovered.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Britain with 40,465 deaths from 284,868 cases, Brazil with 35,026 deaths and 645,771 infections, Italy with 33,846 deaths from 234,801 cases, and France with 29,111 deaths and 190,052 cases.

The country with the highest death rate compared to its population is Belgium with 83 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Britain with 60, Spain 58, Italy 56 and Sweden 46.

China — excluding Hong Kong and Macau — has to date declared 4,634 deaths and 83,030 infections.

Europe overall has 183,101 deaths from 2,256,731 cases, the United States and Canada have 117,297 deaths from 2,003,251 infections, Latin America and the Caribbean 62,589 deaths from 1,252,117 cases, Asia 18,756 deaths from 659,097 cases, the Middle East 10,330 deaths from 467,170 cases, Africa 4,975 deaths from 180,254 cases, and Oceania 131 deaths from 8,641 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day’s tallies. (AFP)