‘Pokemon Go’ Latest News: Small Changes Applied to MewTwo Battles
One of the legendary rares on “Pokemon Go” is MewTwo, a critter that is pretty hard to catch. While most are more worried about how to snag the EX Raid Boss, Niantic has applied some changes once a player comes from the pocket monster.
According to Game Rant, Niantic has made some visual tweaks tied up to MewTwo for “Pokemon Go” players. The pocket monster now appears larger on screen, meaning throwing those Pokeballs will have a higher chance of hitting the elusive critter.
The changes should be a welcome development for “Pokemon Go” players who are aware of the level of difficulty when battles come forth. However, it should also be noted that while MewTwo will be larger on screen, the catch circle has been made relatively smaller. This means that while chances of hitting it would be higher, achieving an excellent throw has been made double hard.
Right now, “Pokemon Go” players have more concerns tied up to the MewTwo battles. Most are still having difficulty getting an EX Raid invite plus other problems as well. This includes bugs tied up to the invite with some gamers claiming that no other trainers show up and receiving invites from gyms that are nowhere near.
More updates should come forth in the coming weeks and the “Pokemon Go” players can only hope for the best. The good news is that they are working on addressing the complaints by gamers – particularly on MewTwo which holds one of the best capture rates for legendary Pokemon.