Chile tops 2,000 dead from COVID-19

Chile on Sunday reported 653 deaths from COVID-19, bringing its overall toll to 2,290, authorities said.

Health Minister Jaime Manalich said some miscounting pointed out by the WHO in March and April was corrected, in addition to 96 new deaths.

That sent the toll from 1,541 on Saturday to 2,290 one day later,

he explained.

Ninety-six marked a record-high number of deaths reported in a single day, according to Manalich.

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Chilean health authorities will also start counting the deaths of people who show symptoms in line with the virus, even if the victim did not undergo a COVID-19 test.

“We are making a methodological change in the way we count people who have died and whose death presumably could be linked to a COVID-19 infection,” the minister said.

Meanwhile, a record number of new infections in the last 24 hours, of 6,405, was also reported in Chile, totaling 134,150 infected since the pandemic began in the South American country on March 3.

The virus’ spread has come despite a three-week lockdown in the crowded capital, Santiago. (AFP)